
Home learning plays an important part in the overall successful learning of children. It provides an opportunity for pupils to consolidate and extend their learning and to prepare for their future learning in school. Learning times tables and spelling fall into this category as does drafting a story, or researching information.

Studying at home, in a quiet place where the child can concentrate, is a valuable way of developing self-discipline and independence.

At The Latham School we view reading as the most fundamentally important kind of home learning. All primary age children should be reading every night, regardless of whatever other tasks are set. When the reading is part of the assigned homework, parental involvement is essential. Up until the end of Year 4, children should read to a parent every evening, and likewise, the parent should read to the child. In the early stages of developing literacy, pupils take home a structured reading book for them to read to a parent, and a story book chosen from the library for the parent to read to the child.

There is a fine balance between parental involvement in the non-reading homework, and allowing the child to do the work unaided. Teachers will communicate with parents through the Homework Diary or Reading Journals the degree to which parents or older siblings should support the homework.